Directed by TOM WRIGHT - 10 minutes
100 second clip
This film is a sly, watchful look at a young man who's out of his depth but doesn't know it.
My relationship with Tom goes back to our time at Bournemouth Filmschool, where we quickly struck up a friendship. With his background in theatre performance but trained and working as a DOP, Tom has the ideal skillset for a director, bridging the creative and the technical. Some of the light improv that he engaged the actors in gave us unneeded dialogue in the pool scene, which we had to lift away without leaving any sign of the work we'd done. I really like the way Border Work takes you somewhere without you quite realising it, and most of the heavy lifting of that was achieved at script stage (Tom also wrote), but we needed to be sensitive to that progression and match it with the rhythms of the scenes, so that audience were drawn along until the final reveal.