The Great Ecstasy of Robert Carmichael
Directed by Thomas Clay - 96 minutes
Two Minute Clip
This is a slow, deliberate tale of alienation and banal violence. It divides people hugely.
On one side you have viewers who hector me aggressively when they find out I cut it, explaining with vitriol how horrible it was for them to watch, and express upset that such a film even exists. Others are delighted by its ambition and lack of compromise, and are fascinated to learn about its creation, asking many questions. My favourite quote was Variety's review saying that it made "A Clockwork Orange look like a Britney Spears Video." Praise indeed.
It was certainly a tough film to work on, with the final sequence being particularly gruelling. As an editor the long takes simplified the cutting process somewhat, although the full-bore impressionistic montage of WW2 archive at the climax certainly allowed me room to play.
Selected for the Semaine de la Critique, Cannes Film Festival.